From the major announcement that the exportation of live animals is to be banned in Britian after decades of campaigning, to positive progresses in both our campaigns for greyhounds and mother pigs in Scotland – a lot happened throughout the month of May in animal welfare.

As we continue to campaign for an end to greyhound racing and the use of farrowing crates in Scotland, in May, we were delighted to share the final tally of the pledges of support by you, the public, for our campaign action to back the proposed Bill to ban greyhound racing in Scotland. On the Stand Up for Pigs front, we called upon supporters to take action for pigs by responding to a consultation and writing to the Scottish Government.

Of course, we couldn’t carry on our work to help animals without our supporters by our side. Thank you for supporting our campaigns to expose and end cruelty to animals and please consider donating to our spring appeal.

9,505 people pledged their support for greyhound racing ban

Racing greyhound with trainer.

Last month, alongside Unbound the Greyhound coalition members, we were delighted to submit 9,505 pledges of support for MSP Mark Ruskell’s Proposed Prohibition Greyhound Racing (Scotland) Bill. 

We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who backed the proposed bill which would make racing dogs illegal in Scotland. 

The proposed bill also received almost 800 consultation responses. And previously, an incredible 22,655 of you signed the Unbound the Greyhound campaign’s open letter to end greyhound racing in Scotland.

We are very grateful to you all for your ongoing support of the campaign to end greyhound racing in Scotland. Your support has led to parliamentary action!

We summarised the parliamentary evidence session on greyhound racing

On the 22nd of May, the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee gathered at the parliament for an evidence session on ‘Petition PE1758: end greyhound racing in Scotland’.

Read our summary

This petition, which commenced the inquiry, was launched by our Unbound the Greyhound colleagues, Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation (SAGE) and is now the most signed petition in Scottish history. If you haven’t already, please sign the petition.

We were disappointed by some statements from Jim Fairlie, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, particularly the consideration of the ‘social element’ of greyhound racing, the reference to anecdotal evidence including relying on information in a letter from his friend (who has raced greyhounds).

Whilst we were disheartened by much of the commentary from the Minister, we were thankful to the MSPs for their insightful comments and questions throughout the session.

We will continue to work with our Unbound the Greyhound partners to support Mark Ruskell’s proposed bill to ban dog racing in this country, and encourage MSPs and the Scottish Government to do the same.

We called for responses to the consultation on cages for hens and pigs

Hens in cage in intensive farming system.

There is still time to show your support for a phase out to cages for egg-laying hens and mother pigs by responding to a government consultation.

Whilst we are, of course, pleased that the Scottish Government has proposed to phase out cages for laying hens. We need your help to ensure that mother pigs are not forgotten, and the cruelty of cages comes to an end. It will take just 15 minutes.

Over 5,000 people stood up for pigs by writing to the Scottish Government

In a matter of months, over 5,000 people have written to the Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, Jim Fairlie, to Stand Up for Pigs. This means we have now surpassed our target! Thank you to everyone for standing up for pigs.

If you have not written already, you can use our template to write directly to the Minister, urging the Scottish Government to finally consult on the end of farrowing crates.

Send a pre-written email today

Live exports banned in Britain 

Cow looking out of truck.

Recently, we welcomed a major victory for farmed animals as it was announced that live exports are to be banned from and through Great Britain.

On the 14th of May, the UK Parliament passed the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill which, once enshrined to law, will mean that cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses can no longer be exported for slaughter or fattening from or through Britain.

Needless to say, the long-distance transport of animals is cruel and causes mental and physical suffering.

Along with fellow animal welfare groups, we have campaigned for decades for this outcome and thank all our supporters and tireless campaigners.

Check out the blog

Spring appeal: you can help support our work

Fox relaxing in grass.

This spring, please consider giving a gift to support our work to create a kinder world for animals.

This year, we are continuing our Stand Up for Pigs and Unbound the Greyhound campaigns, as well as launching an investigation into the trade of exotic animals.

Whilst we have successfully campaigned to end the ‘sport’ of fox hunting and the recent ban snare traps in Scotland, there is lots of work still to be done.

We are determined to secure even more successes for animals this year, but we cannot do it alone.

So far, you have helped us to raise almost £3,000 and we are incredibly grateful of your generosity! As an organisation solely funded by donations and grants, we must raise £300,000 each year to maintain our current work.

Will you help us continue the fight for animals in 2024? Your donations are vital to our campaigns I outlined today, and more.

Support our work for animals